Rabu, 13 Juni 2012


The term world music campursari national refers to a mixture of several music genres of contemporary Indonesia. Campursari term known in the early 1970s, when RRI Surabaya stations introduces a new event, which is accompanied by songs that blend musical scale musical tone pentatonic and diatonic. Mix is ​​one art form in Java which is a marriage of modern music with ethnic music. Mix itself is actually depart from the traditional arts of Java, where dipadukannya gending art with a variety of musical instruments, both traditional and modern musical instruments, conventional and electric.

But in fact, a blend of traditional Indonesian music with Western music is not something new. Long before campursari there are many world class musicians who've done it, among others, Claude Achille Debussy from the French, Hungarian composer Bella Bartok, then Collin Mc Phee American composer, Wheeler Backet. No FA Warsono of Indonesia, Soekarno Putra thunder with thunder group Gipsy introduces Bali blend of music and Western music.

Mix comes from two words that interfere and cider. Mix means the mingling of musical instruments both traditional and modern. Sari means of experiments that produce other types of rhythm than others. The artists combine two different musical elements, namely the ethnic music of gamelan instruments and modern instruments like electric guitars, bass, drums and keyboard, so it can be said that campursari is the result of cross-breeding of hybrid music between western and traditional music. This art requires some music players, no less than about ten people to produce a highly melodic rhythms.

The emergence of music campursari initially departed from the original style of music keroncong, campursari stick with the basics keroncong. Some are inclined to music musicians, there are likely to keroncong. Mix processed in such a way so as to produce the type of modern Javanese music, the lyrics of his songs are still adopting the traditional Javanese song gending though not all, because most of the artists strive to create songs that suit the circumstances campursari ongoing era.

Mix was originally popularized by Ki Nartosabdho through every puppet show was playing. Ki Nartosabdho real name is Sunarto. He was born in Wedi, Klaten, Central Java, on August 25, 1925 from underprivileged families. His father Partinojo a dagger sheath maker. Sunarto small school can not continue due to limited funds. Teenagers, Sunarto moved to Jakarta to support the family economy by making money through its ability in the field of painting. He also helped strengthen the orchestra keroncong "Sinar Purnama" as a violinist.

In 1945, Sunarto acquainted with Ki Sastrosabdho. Sunarto really forged its ability to recognize and explore the drum instrument. Through Ki Sastrosabdho Similarly, the puppet world Sunarto know. Between Ki Sastrosabdho and Sunarto is like a single entity as the father and son, therefore Ki Sastrosabdho then granted her last name to his favorite disciple becomes Nartosabdho. Ki Nartosabdho a world innovator of puppetry in the 80s, combines modern music with gamelan music resulting in harmony with the nuances of Javanese tradition, but it led to controversy.

While modern campursari spearheaded by Anto Sugiyarto or better known as Manthous with his brothers at the beginning of 1993. Manthous Playen born in the village, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta When he was sixteen years old he moved to Jakarta to ngamen, poor across the world of music, joined the Star Kroncong Jakarta. Matnhous in 1993 founded the music group campursari "Forward Current". Musically Manthous with sensitivity held a massive innovation on the old campursari. He tried to combine the tools of classical Javanese traditional music, such as drums, gongs and gender, combined with musical instruments like the ukulele keroncong, cak and choke, flute, bass betot, as well as other instruments.

Manthous also try experimenting with inserting a replacement instrument betot bass and classical guitar, which is to include bass and electric guitar and keyboard to replace the flute and the ukulele. The presence of this keyboard is increasingly turning campursari musicality. In addition Manthous also include a set of drums to add campursari musical perfection. Campursari music that was created, typically nuanced and filled with fresh joy.

Mix album The emergence of South Mountain (CSGK) started Manthous success. Thanks to the creative discovery, Manthous get the award for "Innovative Artists" in 1996 from the Yogyakarta branch PWI. Manthous also won several awards in the event the Panasonic Award and Ami Sharp Award. Last award earned in 2001 for Best Contemporary Artist category of Traditional and Contemporary Traditional Album bestseller. Since the early 2000s came the form of a campursari campursari and keroncong gamelan, as well as mixtures of Didi dangdut keroncong and sunken.

Manthous capacity as an artist no doubt. Manthous been poor across the belantika pemusikan Indonesia. The results also ciptannya song very much, for example, the song that was missed by the strains of vocal hits Evitamala, Gethuk sung by Nur Afni Oktavia, or songs sung by Shamans Mbah Koeswoyo Nomo. Manthous success is also orbiting some singers or singer's name that already exist, such as Anik Sunyahni, Minul, Lilis Diana, to Yati Pesek, through song Nyidam Sari, opo Tofu tempeh, Rondho Kempling, loro Bronto and so on are still the song of creation Manthous .

Unfortunately, due to being ill until otherwise affected by stroke, Manthous am not able to create masterpieces of art which had its own digagasnya this. Nevertheless, the soft-gending gending campursari still often heard in every corner of the place, both in restaurants and buses between cities or provinces, local radio, and in celebration events.

Music Mix 2.2, between Tradition and Innovation
Music Mix is ​​a mix between a tradition and innovation, this statement is true because if we think judging from the point of view it is clear that the tradition of musical instruments used are still using traditional or ethnic music like gamelan and other dilantunkannya and lyrics that were using the language namely the Java language and we can see that the singer was sometimes still use the clothing area. Then, from the standpoint of innovation can be seen using a combination of traditional instruments with modern musical was as keyboard, guitar and electric bass, and others. The lyrics are sung to him about the daily life of the community or a witty joke that we often encounter. The music is quite clear that the flow of alternative music, because music has a distinctive flow, which is a blend of tradition and innovation.

2.3 Music Mix in circles Society
Campursari music never grows like mushrooms in the rainy season, but now as the earth swallow. Several years ago, music became a phenomenon campursari music scene in Indonesia, after a touch of Manthous. Meanwhile, the current manager campursari group complained because every time the gig was always bothered by ignorant hands are not responsible for causing the public began to perceive the arts to be reluctant.

The merger of tradition and modern art in the mid 1990's became a symbol of the meeting in the west and east of the ladder system campursari musical tone by the birth of Manthous bring charm, became a magnet for music lovers and players to appreciate, and encourage the growth of the musical groups campursari not only in the scope of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Mix recognize four categories of music that slendro slendro and that is the musical arranger in the music, as well as major or minor in music keroncong pop. Such arrangements make campursari more flexible, can be arranges traditional music and modern music so much-loved community campursari level of local communities to urban communities.

Campursari music has developed quite rapidly, especially in Java. For example, the development of arts in East Java campursari characterized by the frequent airing of television arts and other electronic media, every person who has a basic need too much use of his son's wedding entertainers plus gamelan this dangdut. Recognized this kind of music very closely with the ear of East Java community because of his music can be combined between the songs keroncong, style, pop, western and dangdut.

Art campursari according to a number of prominent arts in eastern Java, is a combination of pentatonic and diatonic tones are combined with traditional gamelan instruments and a set of band instruments. Campursari music is a form of acculturation of Keroncong and Javanese gamelan music. According to Didi sunken, campursari music is not only famous in Java, but also has been known in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Campursari had led to the emergence of controversy among artists, because they lose a tradition that is contained in the gamelan music palace. Despite emerging pros cons of purity of this genre, but all parties agree and understand that campursari revitalize traditional music in the land of Java. In addition there are also a controversy when the campursari in the wayang. Many who oppose the musical mastermind campursari the puppet.

Many musicians campursari say that this kind of music is experiencing stagnation. At the end of the decade of the 90s, which is Manthous campursari music maestro explained that the incorporation of elements of pentatonic and diatonic in musical origin campursari not interfere. Campursari musicians are required to have the creativity to find a song that can really dicampursarikan. Cultivation of the work and presenting campursari who carelessly and ignore the valuable it will plunge into the abyss of degradation campursari music keadiluhungan traditional art.
Who argue that there campursari is a creative and innovative, this music is universal that can display and combine different types of songs. In the development campursari music has grown and continues to grow with a variety of innovations. A harmonious blend of aesthetics will bring beauty, harmony for the benefit of the human lot.
Like the man in the mix, work and in life it is necessary to feel the harmony between the members, the mix and tolerance which it also will bring the beauty of life that benefits others.
Advisory ACSI (Association of Indonesia Mix) said that the biggest obstacle facing campursari music players, most of it comes from within themselves:A. Entrepreneurial spirit is still undeveloped.2. Work ethic that has not adapted to the nature of the entertainment industry.3. Awareness of communication to meet public needs and the promotion is still very limited.
Most of the group was created to campursari means of social communication to keep the density of the culture in the social environment is not for commercial purposes.According to Didi sunken, waving campursari music in the 1990s to the rise of musical milestone Javanese songs. About 15-20 years ago, almost all districts, especially DIY there campursari group. Even other types of art are also affected by the outbreak campursari, like ketoprak campursari, Jatilan campursari, nod campursari, Lengger campursari and others. Plans to patent campursari actually been there, but have not realized because of lack of funding.
Some of the singer leaving the world of puppetry and turned-singer campursari, it was due to several reasons:A. There is freedom of expression obtained in campursari music offerings.2. Bargaining position of a singer campursari was generally higher on average than when a singer.3. Being a singer campursari should not participate in the games or klenengan puppet all night, but just one or two hours a day and can move up two or three locations.4. Being a singer, clothing or costume is stuck in a conventional frame, while a singer campursari can look like a celebrity with trendy fashion.
Mix it is looking for raw form, is a musical hybrid campursari results intermarriage between Western music and traditional music and Indonesia. The formulation is useful to notice Ki Hajar Dewantara about culture:A. Born, grow, grow, bear fruit, the sick, elderly, and eventually die back.2. Mating and multiplying, not gathered together, assimilated, united gave birth to a new form.3. Selection experience, a strong will to live, the weak will die.4. Adjusting to nature (nature) and age (community).
Referring to this, campursari enter the category number two, namely marriage and descent, united gave birth to a new form. A music that can carry an ethnicity, could be accepted by the public without removing the identity of the owner of the music itself.
Mix can be accepted among the young, but be smart to find a gap to be accepted by all walks of life. Mix music is still considered a lower middle class kw, because the middle class kebawahlah support this type of art. . It is however, an innovation can not be detached from the pros and cons. According Manthous, campursari music found through a long journey and the stages to finalize a new kind of music.
Although campursari combines elements of pentatonic and diatonic, campursari is not a style, not keroncong, not musical, not dangdut and pop music instead. Campursari campursari music is, as well as a growing phenomenon as the development of cultural mindset of an agrarian society to industrial mindset. If all the musicians in Indonesia want to create ethnic music of course, each region will have original music.
From the date of December 5, 2007 by Mr. Agung Laksono (Chairman of the House of Representatives) at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) has declared Indonesia Circle Mix (Pancasindo) as a collection container campursari Indonesia, in order to cope with other things that are not art campursari claimed by another country (Malaysia).
2.4 Efforts to Maintain the Existence Music MixMix music we think is still maintained or re-popularized buffer with a variety of ways, including:• Creating the right promotional media, among others, by including or featuring music Mix in a variety of events both formal and informal in nature and national and international levels, so that the public becomes aware and interested in this music. For example at the reception of foreign ambassadors or make exhibitions of Indonesian culture in neighboring countries.• Establish an organization that is educating and preserving, as one of the organizations that have stood the Sari Mix Association of Indonesia (ACSI), but with the establishment of an organization of artists is not enough to preserve it. There remedying educational program if it is made also in the work program of the organization such as the training of street children or other street use Mix music and playing music.• Train Mix artists to explore interest in the market. As we all know that interest in the market is always changing, so the music Mix should also make innovations or changes that could attract audiences. Examples include creating Liri's lyrics containing the current reflection of people's lives or to suit the theme of his day.
Processing of traditional music does not always have to use traditional music. Now a lot of effort to preserve the musical heritage of the ancestors to combine it with modern instruments. In Java, this blend of music commonly known as campursari. Type of music is considered the only genuine cultural products as being born in the South Mountain South Mountain and created by natives of South Mountain. So far only campursari who claimed to be the original culture of this kapubaten.
It is the beginning of its appearance, the type of music campursari much debated by the artists. One would assume, if art is allowed to grow so campursari tantamount to tearing grip keroncong music. Others argue, if it remains in the grip keroncong principled pure music that one will increasingly be avoided among the young. Referring to the development of traditional arts such as puppet show, with updates here and there turned out to Sunan Kalijaga puppet arts heritage is getting tremendous response, especially from the younger generation.
Campursari strength, namely freedom of expression in it. Freedom c

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